Saturday, June 23, 2018

Papal Notes - Calvin would role over if he knew & $2,000,000 Mass?

Calvin would role over in his grave if he knew what was taking place in Geneva....and a $2,000,000 Mass?
Let no man deceive you by any means:
 for that day shall not come,
except there come a falling away first,....
2 Timothy 2:3
"Francis made a day trip to Geneva to mark the 70th anniversary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), a fellowship of 350 mostly national churches representing Protestant communities and some Orthodox Christians.
After centuries of conflict ... charity allows us to come together as brothers and sisters,” he said at the WCC headquarters in Geneva, the city where reformer John Calvin lived in the 16th century.

 Francis called for more teamwork among Christian denominations to spread Gospel values and cooperate more on issues such as fighting poverty and injustice, and defending the environment.

The pope is due to hold a mass at 5.30pm at the Palexpo convention centreexternal link next to Geneva Airport. Some 41,000 lucky ticket-holders will be waiting for him but the event
will also be broadcast live on Swiss public television, RTS/SRF/RSI. 
The mass is budgeted at CHF2 million ($2 million), half towards security. Swiss Catholics have been asked to put their hands in their pocketsexternal link to help fund the ceremony.  But there are concerns about the visit causing a possible CHF1 million deficit."