Saturday, June 23, 2018

IN the NEWS - More Bullying in Canada

..... they persecute me wrongfully; help thou me. Psalm 119:86
"Canada’s Supreme Court dealt a major blow to religious freedom last week, ruling that a Christian university’s law school could be denied accreditation because it requires 
Dressed as Santa's...the Canadian Supreme Court
gave an early "Christmas" gift to
students to affirm and practice biblical sexual ethics.

Trinity Western University’s law school requires students to follow a Community Covenant, which, in part, says “sexual intimacy is reserved for marriage between one man and one woman.” The law societies of British Columbia and Ontario had refused to grant the law school accreditation on the grounds that the covenant prohibits lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students from attending.
By a 7-2 margin, the court ruled that the law societies had not violated Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
"In our respectful view, the [law societies] decision not to accredit Trinity Western University's proposed law school represents a proportionate balance between the limitation on the Charter right at issue and the statutory objectives the [law societies] sought to pursue," the court ruled." BCN

Q: What does accreditation have to do with a Church schools Biblical position on sexuality?...NOTHING.....what we have here is another institution taken over by intolerant secular leftists who have open HATRED for the tenets of Christianity and Freedom....backed up by a leftwing supreme court in Canada....WHAT is it about the Left that they are so anti-freedom all the time and beholden to two issues that they want to bully people into accepting at all costs? (LGBT issues and the issue of so-called man made Climate Change).
*As for the Court saying "statutory objectives the [law societies] sought to pursue"...what that means in laymen's terms is that the "objectives" of the LGBT agenda will be implanted, even at the expense of a religious institution in what their policies are internally on the guess...and it's only a guess of which I hope I'm that the school will cave to the BULLIES of the world and toss out their God's teaching on the subject.