Friday, May 25, 2018

On the Streets of Babylon: God 'n Jets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be some on the Streets of Babylon who claim God is TELING them to buy $54,000,000 "Jets".....

"Jesse Duplantis, a TV preacher, shamelessly announced to the world that he is “believing God” that 
Falcon 7X
his congregation will raise the tens of millions of dollars necessary to purchase a brand new private jet for he and his team. Duplantis proudly explained that he’s had three jets in his career, and mainly needs this new one so he can make direct flights as opposed to stopping for fuel.

Duplantis is not new to the world of jets, as he has “purchased for the Lord” over the years, since 1994. He bragged about these jets in his announcement to get another.
He then addressed those that have critqued his need for a brand new jet stating, “Now people say, ‘my Lord, can’t you go with this one?'” he said, pointing to an older jet. “Yes, but I can’t go at one stop,” he pointed out.
To note: a new Falcon 7X costs around $54 million.
Duplantis then continued saying that God had, in fact told him he needed the $54 million dollar jet."