Tuesday, May 29, 2018

IN the NEWS - Lesson from Ireland

Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man,
and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
Jeremiah 17:5

 "Every single political party in the Republic of Ireland campaigned for abortion on demand.

Right across the country, signs with the faces of politicians and an enormous “YES” hung on sign-posts.
--Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, who ran on a pro-life platform with a long history of very pro-life statements, released an emotive video just before the vote urging people to check the box for “Yes.” --And Health Minister Simon Harris (who also campaigned for office as a pro-lifer) plugged for abortion like his life depended on it.

As Melanie McDonough noted in The Spectator, it is almost surprising that the pro-life side managed
to secure more than a third of the population considering that they had no political representation whatsoever.

And so the question is why? Why did politicians who campaigned on pro-life platforms—and in the case of Leo Varadkar, gone on the record in the past as a medical professional explaining how lethal and damaging abortion is—all simultaneously flip and become abortion activists? And why did they become so passionate about “modernizing” Ireland and bringing feticide to the Emerald Isle so suddenly? Was it their plan all along? Were they paid off by those in the international abortion industry who stand to profit enormously from the “Yes” vote on Friday? All of these have an element of truth to them." Lifesite
Politicians of ALL Parties will find common ground when the Mark of the Beast is implemented.
My view is that when it starts here on our side of the pond-in America- the chorus will likely be led by Christians, because of natural disasters, that we need to turn back to God. (Just look at the moral decay in Ireland on their gay marriage referendum and now the abortion one. And gay marriage sweeping the planet, celebrating transgenderism in the public arena, gender neutral bathrooms, the courts in Canada legalizing "partial" bestiality, a judge in Italy legalizing public masturbation except in front of kids, the bullying of the boy scouts, loss of religious freedom due to LGBTmania, etc.).
Then the others will join in to set aside a day of rest to reduce our so-called carbon footprint....so they will find common ground around what Pope Francis calls our Common Home (planet earth).