Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Creation Moment 5/30/2018 - DinoBird Dandruff

DinoBird Dandruff
"The press release from University College of Cork, Ireland, set off a contest among reporters to see
which one could create the best punny headline. But perhaps the university’s own was hard to beat: “Dino-bird dandruff research head and shoulders above rest.” [Head and Shoulders, for non-Americans, is a brand of dandruff shampoo.]

The mere fact is this: using advanced imaging techniques, scientists at the college found dandruff between the feathers of fossil birds. If you don’t buy the Darwinian tale that birds evolved from dinosaurs, you will have no problem with the data, because you don’t believe the scenario about tens of millions of Darwin Years separating the fossils and modern birds. But if you do believe the Darwin tale, you do have some explaining to do:
“The fossil cells are preserved with incredible detail – right down to the level of nanoscale keratin fibrils. What’s remarkable is that the fossil dandruff is almost identical to that in modern birds – even the spiral twisting of individual fibres is still visible,” said Dr Maria McNamara.

 The only difference is that the fossil corneocytes (dandruff structures containing melanin) were packed a little more tightly with melanin than the modern ones. That might indicate, however, that these particular fossil species didn’t need to fly long distances, they say. Reptile scales, by contrast, don’t shed in small flakes, but tend to come off in sheets or large pieces. And so the actual data shows that these creatures were much closer to birds than to dinosaurs, and the fact that their dandruff looks modern suggests that not a lot of time passed between their time and today. Otherwise, what was Darwin doing with dandruff evolution for 100 million years? No evolution is evident."
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise;
1 Corinthians 1:27