Saturday, May 26, 2018

IN the NEWS - Green Glue

And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast:
Revelation 13:4

Once again, as we've been saying, the mark of the beast (counterfeit Sabbath by Law) will likely be tinted Green. The Glue of climate change used to be the bridge of unity when the time comes. One side pushes to appease an angry Father God while the other blames natural disasters on our so-called carbon footprint and joins to set aside a day to reduce emissions to appease an angry mother earth. Just a thought of a possibility....Listen to the paranoia in the words in the story below.....

"Religious and scientific leaders in Massachusetts, led by Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley, joined forces Wednesday to press the state to increase its actions on climate change to "protect our communities from the catastrophic impacts" of a warming planet.

More than 500 of the state's scientists and religious leaders signed onto the faith and science joint appeal for climate action, which was issued during a May 23 press conference at the Pastoral Center of the Boston Archdiocese, in Braintree, Massachusetts.
"Climate change is an ecological and moral emergency that impacts all other aspects of our shared lives and requires us to work together to protect our common home," the declaration said.
The appeal drew support from more than 100 scientists, and representatives from the Jewish and Muslim faiths, as well as numerous Protestant Christian denominations.
The statement borrowed some language from Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment and human ecology, "Laudato Si', on Care for Our Common Home.
O'Malley identified "two very important concepts" the pope provided through the encyclical: first, the idea of the earth as "our common home" of the human family at risk and in need of protection at global, national and local levels; and second, that those most endangered by environmental destruction, including the impacts of climate change, are the poor and vulnerable.
That scientists and religious leaders, who often approach things with different worldviews, have come together on climate change "says a lot about the importance that we attach to the issue," Duffy said."