Saturday, May 26, 2018

IN the NEWS - Decimating the Boy Scouts (I'm Sorry, I meant the "Scout Me In's")

They BULLIED the "BOY"Scouts into accepting Gay Scout Masters, Gay Scouts, Transgender Scouts, Girls, a Name Change and now---they will be forced to pass out Condoms....why is it that everything Liberalism touches it decimates?
Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

"It seems like every week now the Boy Scouts of America are in and out of the news for a new controversy, and this week was no exception.
On Tuesday, reports began circulating that the organization will be passing out condoms at their upcoming World Scout Jamboree.

According to The Washington Times, the World Organization of Scouting Movement handbook states that the organization must “ensure that condoms are readily and easily accessible for all participants and [International Service Team staff] at a number of locations on the site.
The upcoming World Scout Jamboree will take place in 2019 from July 21 to August 1 in West Virginia, with the theme “Unlock a New World.”
The 118-year-old organization, Boy Scouts of America recently announced that they are changing the name of the group to be more ‘welcoming’ and ‘inclusive’ to all youth.
Early last year, the Boy Scouts group announced that they would start letting girls into their organization, and in 2019 would allow them to become Eagle Scouts.
Last week, the Boy Scouts of America released a statement explaining the name change, citing a campaign called Scout Me In as their main reason.
Only one week has passed since the Boy Scouts of America announced their name change, and already 425,000 boys have dropped out of the organization thanks to one large church cutting ties.
This past Tuesday, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that they were parting ways with the organization. They released a statement announcing they would all phase out by December 31, 2019, and their reasoning."