Wednesday, April 18, 2018

DESIRE OF AGES: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 47



A hush had fallen upon the entire company. Now the afflicted father made his way through the
crowd, and falling at the feet of Jesus, poured out the story of his trouble and disappointment.
The boy was brought, and as the Savior's eyes fell upon him, the evil spirit cast him to the ground in convulsions of agony. He lay wallowing and foaming, rending the air with unearthly shrieks.
Again the Prince of life and the prince of the powers of darkness had met on the field of battle,--Christ in fulfillment of His mission to preach deliverance to the captives, . . . to set at liberty them that are bruised. Luke 4:18...And this mighty Redeemer, who but a few hours before stood glorified before His wondering disciples, stoops to lift the victim of Satan from the earth where he is wallowing, and in health of mind and body restores him to his father and his home.
It was an object lesson of redemption,--the Divine One from the Father's glory stooping to save the lost.