Thursday, April 19, 2018

Creation Moment 4/19/2018 - "perhapsimaybecouldness"

"Early Life Had Evolutionary Power to Survive Radical Changes in Environment (

Evolutionist reporter Charles Q. Choi never saw an evolutionary claim he didn’t salivate over. “Life on Earth could have originated in cold conditions near the surface, before spreading to warmer environments, according to research that analyzes the possible gene sequences belonging to the earliest life,” he begins.

Has anyone seen the first life?
Has anyone seen the proposed Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA)?
Has anyone seen a cell originate? Enough said.

But he adds some anti-science to the mix: “Ultraviolet light can damage RNA, but it may have also triggered chemical reactions that helped create key building blocks of life.” He uses the perhapsimaybecouldness word may, may, may all over the place. He even calls on a fictional debunked myth as if it is a creative force: “The Late Heavy Bombardment could have instigated a dramatic shift in climate and environment that helped spur the formation of life on Earth.” Back to Philosophy of Science class for you, Mr. Choi, after you watch Origin." CEH
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise;
1 Corinthians 1:25