Thursday, March 8, 2018


This post BELOW came from an individual on Spectrum Magazine. IF you ever wondered why Spectrum is so dangerous to the Church, here is an example below....In assaulting Biblical Creation this is the door that Spectrum has opened. Below is one of the most confused writings by a member of the church I have come across yet on the topic of origins....this is truly sad yet should serve as a warning about Spectrum and what it fosters. ---the name of the individual has been withheld so as not to humiliate them or for people to judge their heart, but rather hold Spectrum accountable and use it as a teachable moment about where this train of thought leads....

"I don’t have a very scientific background, but I sense the strong evidence for a much longer age of

the earth and universe, and don’t believe that God would ever create an illusion to fool us. I had never heard the idea of the Garden of Eden being a special creation - that makes some sense to me, because of the question of Cain traveling to another country to find a wife, and the fact that archaeologists have found more and more primitive societies the farther back they go - and no evidence yet of a superior race.
At any rate, I prefer to look for the spiritual lessons in Genesis, and keep up with the discoveries of science, too. I don’t think a perfect understanding of how creation was accomplished is necessary for our salvation or for our understanding of the blessing of the Sabbath. I have long felt that the Adventist Sabbath has been too much on the legalistic side. I am content to wait for heaven to learn from God himself how he did it!" Spectrum (Name withheld)

1) This person bases their view on a "sense"? What happened to basing it on the Word of God?
2) Cain's wife dilemma has been explained over and over by Christians. Where is this person imbibing on this nonsense? Why isn't Spectrum pointing this out to this individual?
3) Those "primitive" societies doesn't equate long age chronology. We still have "primitive" societies on earth in the 21st century.
4) Apparently this person buys into the myth that science and the Bible are at odds. There is NO conflict between Genesis and science. Now obviously this person means macro-evolution and long age chronology when they say "science". But evolution is a worldview.
5) As to the Sabbath and Biblical Creation, apparently this person really thinks they can reinterpret the clear concise writing of the 4th commandment in blue stone by the finger of the God this person claims to believe in.
6) Finally, this person says it all, where it's leading to, by attacking Sabbath keeping as being "legalistic". So they apparently want a watered down Sabbath. I guess in closing one can assume that when God kicked them out of Eden for disobedience for eating the wrong piece of fruit, that too should be taken as "spiritual lesson" rather than literal. And then since one can interpret the story as they please, then one can interpret the Sabbath as they please.
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is,
and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day,
 and hallowed it.
Exodus 20:11