Thursday, March 8, 2018

Creation Moment 3/9/2018 - Atmospheric Pressure on "Abiogenesis"

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,...
Genesis 1:6
"The hypothetical naturalistic origin of life and its most basic biomolecules from non-living matter is called abiogenesis.

While virtually all of the evolutionary story lacks empirical support, its greatest impediment is the fundamental problem of how life first arose. Ultimately, life requires DNA, RNA, and protein in a system in which each molecule is dependent on the other two to both exist and function in the cell. It’s even more confounding than a chicken-and-egg scenario as to which came first. Furthermore, since each type of molecule carries and conveys complex encoded information, an intelligent information originator is the only logical cause. Code implies a coder, not naturalistic random processes.

All biological molecular activities occur inside the confines of a cell, which protects them from
degradation by the environment. At present, the earth’s atmosphere is about 21% oxygen by volume. The presence of atmospheric oxygen leads to oxidation, a process destructive to biomolecules that are not safely contained inside a cell. The current mass of air surrounding the earth is called an oxidizing atmosphere and is not conducive to abiogenesis.

Because oxidizing conditions rapidly destroy DNA, RNA, proteins, and cell membranes, evolutionists proposed that Earth’s early environment had a reducing atmosphere with very little or zero oxygen. They also speculate that the air must have been rich in nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide in order to assist the spontaneous appearance of basic life building blocks such as amino acids, sugars, and nucleotides.

One big problem with this whole imaginary scenario is that geological data clearly indicate the earth’s atmosphere has always been similar to its current oxidizing conditions. Earth has always had significant levels of oxygen in its atmosphere, thus thwarting any idea of a reducing atmosphere favorable to abiogenesis." ICR