Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Refuting Koresh on the 7 Seals SERIES: Seal 3

This series is designed to show that Koresh's main claim to prophetic fame (his 7 seals interpretations) are Heretical. Apparently there was a miniseries about Koresh made recently which is creating a bit of a Koresh buzz/interest out there...So this is to demonstrate to those who want to link him to Adventism that he wasn't teaching Adventism (which happened to me once when I wasn't expecting it while working at a pizza joint). Sort of my own "miniseries".
"The key to this seal is Hosea 3; 12:7. In this seal there is a merchant offering something. That
something,* according to Koresh, has to do with paying for a marriage (Hosea 3). This deal has a very high price which does not seem fair to the ways of man, thus the merchant has "deceitful scales" (Hosea 12:7) and appears to be charging an outrageous price (Revelation 6:5-6). This is also the topic of the parable of the Pearl of Great Price (Matthew 13:45-46). *What is offered is the first Seal (the marriage of the Lamb). The alternative is the second Seal. This merchant offers the Seven Seals, but one must be willing to pay a very high price. The price is one's self, which leads into the fourth seal, Death (Revelation 6:7-8)." WF
An Adventist RESPONSE:
*The scales in the seal has to do with the phase of church history selling out to the world by compromise--thereby bringing in paganism. THERE IS NOTHING IN THE SEAL REFEREING TO MARRIAGE.
*There is NOTHING in the texts of the seals to indicate they go back & forth....they flow in a specific, prophetic order...
ONCE AGAIN we see confused reckoning of the seals by Koresh....his "PRIVATE" interpretation...
Knowing this first,
that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
2 Peter 1:20
*His private interpretation led to this NONSENSE of the seals flowing backward & forward