Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Creation Moment 2/20/2018 - Darwin Fish

"The Darwin Fish scientific method: Draw a fish. Draw legs on it to mock Christians who use it as a symbol. Then furiously hunt for evidence that a fish with feet existed.

Darwinians believe that fish crawled out onto land—their fins becoming pentadactyl limbs—then returned back to the sea multiple times in the form of ichthyosaurs, pinnipeds and whales.
The belief came prior to any evidence for fish with feet, because Darwin complained about the lack of transitional forms in his Origin of Species. He knew that most species appear abruptly in the rocks, and that his needed transitional forms were not found: “Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory,” he said (Origin 6th ed., p. 280). He did not, therefore, even speculate about how fish evolved into land creatures, although he hoped that transitional fossils would turn up some day.
After Darwin, various ‘transitional’ fish with bony fins were subsequently proposed and deposed, but Darwinians didn’t become excited until Neil Shubin’s Tiktaalik fossil....Tiktaalik, though, was discovered long after the ‘Darwin Fish’ symbol had become a cultural icon on bumper stickers and office doors." CEH
.... and after that I have spoken, mock on. Job 21:3