Thursday, February 8, 2018

IN the NEWS - Trudeau's Troubles

What does God think of killing the unborn?
If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life...
Exodus 21:21,22

"For a few moments during his town hall meeting in Winnipeg, the normally composed Justin Trudeau completely lost his cool. 

It was in response to a shouted question about the Liberal Party’s insertion of an “abortion clause” into the application process for the Canada Summer Jobs Program, which has resulted in a rising
backlash from religious groups, charities, non-profit organizations and—surprisingly, the media.  At an earlier town hall, Trudeau had now infamously waved the concerns of Canadians off as a mere “kerfuffle.” 
This time, he was ready to fire off his righteous indignation on all cylinders.

The issue, he noted with a rising voice, has been “a little in the news lately,” which is only slightly less of an understatement than referring to the backlash as a “kerfuffle.”  In fact, editorial boards right across the country—from the infamously left-wing Toronto Star to the Ottawa Citizen and beyond—have condemned the attestation as an example of Liberal hubris. 
The Liberal justification for their move was that abortion is a “Charter right”—and for the first time in years, media sources across the board came out and collectively reminded Canadians that there is no Charter right to abortion, Canada has no abortion laws at all, and that Parliament has every right to reconsider the issue.

The last several weeks have indicated that Trudeau’s Liberals are aware that a Canadian public that is truly informed about the reality of Canada’s abortion regime is supremely dangerous to them, which is why they have decided to attack pro-life groups by name. 
Trudeau’s ideological agenda on abortion depends on widespread ignorance for widespread support, and so when religious leaders from across the country and from almost every faith tell him that they cannot in good conscience support abortion, Trudeau refuses to respect the diversity of the country he leads.  Not a very tolerant liberal, it would seem.
Instead, he essentially calls those men and women liars—and claims that they have a “political agenda” that they are pushing." F7