Thursday, February 8, 2018

Creation Moment 2/8/2018 - eFLOWER

"Evolutionists have been trying to understand the origin of flowering plants since they were first called “Darwin’s Abominable Mystery” (DAM) in honor of Darwin, who couldn’t understand how they popped into existence and took over the world 140 million Darwin Years ago. Nature News
reports on one of the biggest-ever evolutionary attempts to solve the mystery, called eFLOWER. It was a statistical analysis of 20 traits from 800 species of angiosperms, undertaken specifically to figure out what the common ancestor must have looked like. Did Darwinism help? The article says that researchers have “budding doubts” about the conclusions of the project. Some combinations of traits of the mystical first flower seem biologically impossible, some complain. “Things can be statistically possible without being biologically possible,” said another. Another summed up the results, “We don’t know the final answer yet.” After 158 years, how much more time to they deserve?

In a related article, Science Daily obeys the DAM Law (q.v.) by pretty much admitting that evolutionists are forced into an uncomfortable position. They either have to trust the molecular clock, which implies “cryptic evolution of flowers that is not documented in the fossil record,” or believe the fossils, which show abrupt appearance. Anyone see evolution in any of these articles? Anyone see Darwinism providing better understanding of nature? Darwin envisioned slow, gradual change over long ages. His mechanism of natural selection could never taking a big leap, he said. He was troubled by the fossil record that showed otherwise. Evidently, his disciples still are." CEH
And God said,
Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed,
and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind,
whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
Genesis 1:11