Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Creation Moment 2/28/2018 - Creator's Mysterious Creation

Imagine what the CREATOR can do with this beyond what these scientists even cracked on the surface of this....

"A team of physicists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and elsewhere has created a new kind of photonic matter that could enable quantum computing with particles of light.
Bound states of massive particles, such as nuclei, atoms, or molecules, constitute the bulk of the visible world around us.

By contrast, individual particles of light called photons typically only interact weakly.
MIT Professor Vladan Vuletic and colleagues have now demonstrated that photons can indeed be made to interact — an accomplishment that could open a path toward using photons in quantum computing, if not in light sabers.
Photons can travel very fast over long distances, and people have been using light to transmit information, such as in optical fibers,” Professor Vuletic said.
If photons can influence one another, then if you can entangle these photons, and we’ve done that, you can use them to distribute quantum information in an interesting and useful way.”
the researchers report that they have observed groups of three photons interacting and, in effect, sticking together to form a completely new kind of photonic matter.
In controlled experiments, they found that when they shone a very weak laser beam through a dense cloud of ultracold rubidium atoms, rather than exiting the cloud as single, randomly spaced photons, the photons bound together in pairs or triplets, suggesting some kind of interaction — in this case, attraction — taking place among them.
Our results demonstrate that photons can indeed attract, or entangle each other,” Professor Vuletic said.
If they can be made to interact in other ways, photons may be harnessed to perform extremely fast, incredibly complex quantum computations.” SciNews
.....the mysteries of God.
1 Corinthians 4:1