Wednesday, February 28, 2018

ARCHAEOLOGY: Isaiah Signiture?

So the servants of king Hezekiah came to Isaiah.
2 Kings 19:5

"Archaeologists say they have a "fantastic discovery" of a 2,700-year-old clay seal found in Jerusalem that possibly belonged to Isaiah, which would make it the first piece of evidence concerning the prophet found outside the Bible.
Author and archaeologist Eilat Mazar wrote in an article in Biblical Archaeology Review on Wednesday titled "Is This the Prophet Isaiah's Signature?" that that ancient Hebrew script found on a half-inch oval of clay, dating back to the eighth century B.C., could potentially have belonged to Isaiah the prophet.
National Geographic added that if the lettering on the seal is correct, it would be the first known link to Isaiah outside the Bible.
Mazar noted that the seal impression was found next to one of King Hezekiah, another biblical figure.
"It would not be the first time that seal impressions of two biblical personas, mentioned in the same verse in the Bible, were found in an archaeological context," she wrote.
"Finding this bulla leads us to consider the personality and the proximity of the prophet Isaiah as one of the closest advisors to King Hezekiah — not only with regard to the events of his time, but also in assessing them from an informed perspective and foreseeing their influence over future events."