Saturday, January 6, 2018

SDA Issues - Keynote of the Advent is to be Heard

"We can never tire of looking at the prophetic picture of this advent movement. We watch its rise, in the fullness of prophetic time.

The Spirit of prophecy has said: "The return of Christ to our world will not be long delayed. Let this be the keynote of every message."—"Testimonies," Vol. VI, p. 406.
There is a wonderfully full list of Bible themes pressing to be heard, every one pointed like an arrow to fly straight into the hearer's heart. But it is the advent idea that is the arrow's point.
In every message the keynote of the advent is to be heard. And it will be so if in the preacher's heart is always the overmaster­ing conviction that the Lord is at the door, and these people sitting there before the platform must be made ready.

In our time, even these essential doctrines of the Christian life—of faith, righteousness by faith, holiness, sanctification, and all experience of the power and grace of Christ in the soul—derive their fullness of power when they come to the advent people as a very part of the message of the judgment hour.

 Evidently we must hold every line of teaching closely within the third angel's message. It is in its place in the setting of the message of Revelation 14 that every truth for this time is given its power to build up the people who are to be made ready, prepared for the Lord.

"As far as the Sabbath is concerned, he oc­cupies the same position as the Seventh Day Baptists. Separate the Sabbath from the mes­sages, and it loses its power; but when con­nected with the message of the third angel, a power attends it which convicts unbelievers and infidels, and brings them out with strength to stand, to live, grow, and flourish in the Lord."—"Testimonies," Vol. I, p. 337."
By W. A. Spicer, Former President, General Conference/Ministry1937