Saturday, January 6, 2018

SDA Issues - How The Three Angel’s Messages Are At Risk

How The Three Angel’s Messages Are At Risk

"Some within our Church believe and teach a more generic gospel.   
-The Law of God,
-the investigative judgment,
-the spirit of prophecy,
-and church discipline have fallen into widespread neglect.   
-Biblical creation,
-role distinctions in the church,
-the LGBT agenda,
-Biblical unity,
-the meaning of baptism,
and the doctrine of the Church, are at stake.  

The issue before the Church in the present crisis is about
-the supremacy of Biblical authority over popular culture,
-scholarly speculation,
-and the vagaries of personal experience.

2012 — Northern California Conference Mission Statement, developed in 2012, leaves out any
mention of the Three Angels' Messages (Revelation 14:6-12), in contrast to the General Conference Mission Statement, which is intended as a model for other church entities.

The Three Angel’s Messages start with the everlasting gospel, announce that the hour of God’s judgment is come, and call us to worship God as Creator.   When received, the Three Angel’s Messages result in a people who actually keep the commandments of God and who are identified as the Remnant in Revelation 12:17.   These truths are also embodied in our fundamental beliefs."
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth,
 and shall be turned unto fables.
2 Timothy 4:4