Wednesday, January 3, 2018

PROPHETS & KINGS: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 18

The Healing of the Waters


The world needs evidences of sincere Christianity. The poison of sin is at work at the heart of society.
In casting salt into the bitter spring, Elisha taught the same spiritual lesson imparted centuries later by the Savior to His disciples when He declared, Ye are the salt of the earth. Matthew 5:13.
The salt mingling with the polluted spring purified its waters and brought life and blessing where before had been blighting and death.
When God compares His children to salt, He would teach them that His purpose in making them the subjects of His grace is that they may become agents in saving others. The object of God in choosing a people before all the world was not only that He might adopt them as His sons and daughters, but that through them the world might receive the grace that bringeth salvation.
Salt must be mingled with the substance to which it is added; it must penetrate, infuse it, that it may be preserved. So it is through personal contact and association that men are reached by the saving power of the gospel. They are not saved as masses, but as individuals.