Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Papal Notes - Mary & Globalism

2 things of note in the story below:
1- Francis kicks off the new year focused on Mariology
2- Francis calls for "Global Compacts", meddling in world politics. In this case, trying to essentially mandate open borders around the world thereby breaking down sovereignty of individual nation states.....hmmm...wonder why Papal Rome would want that?...hmmm....

"Pope Francis reminded the 40,000 visitors in St. Peter’s Square to keep their gaze fixed on Mary, during his address before praying the Angelus on January 1, 2018. “Let us fix our gaze on her, to take up again, under her maternal protection, the journey along the
paths of time,” he urged.

He also reminded listeners that on this “World Day of Peace” he wishes to be a voice of the migrants and refugees, “these our brothers and sisters, who invoke for their future a horizon of peace.”  He cited his message for the 2018 peace observance in which he called on the United Nations to take action on the migration issue during 2018, by creating two Global Compacts: one for safe, orderly and regular migration; and the other for refugees.

As Mother, Mary carries out a very special function: she puts herself between her Son Jesus and men in the reality of their privations, indigence, and sufferings,” the Holy Father explained. “Mary intercedes, as at Cana, aware that, as Mother, she can,
rather, must make present to her Son the needs of men, especially the weakest and most disadvantaged.
It’s in fact to these persons that the theme is dedicated of the World Day of Peace that we celebrate today: ‘Migrants and Refugees: Men and Women in Search of Peace,’ so is the motto of this Day.”
But he perceived their craftiness,... Luke 20:23