Tuesday, January 2, 2018

IN the NEWS - California debauchery

"Debauchery is living a lifestyle contrary to what you were made for. It is living in drunkenness, partying, drug use,  sexual immorality, worldliness, and basically unholiness." BR
The night is almost finished. The day is almost here. So we should stop doing whatever belongs to darkness....Don’t think about how to satisfy the desires of your sinful self.
Romans 13:12,14

"Before sunrise on New Year’s Day, cashiers welcomed the first legal sales of recreational marijuana
in California, launching a new industry expected to bring in billions of dollars while accepting new regulations and taxes.
In Berkeley, Mayor Jesse Arreguin and Democratic state Sen. Nancy Skinner joined a couple dozen people outside the Berkeley Patients Group for the first sales.
             “I’m stoked about this historic moment not just for Berkeley but for the state of California.” Arreguin said. “This is a long time coming.”
 The first sale happened at 6 a.m. Chris Conrad and Mikki Norris, longtime marijuana advocates, bought three joints as the crowd cheered “Happy New Year!”