Sunday, December 17, 2017

The "damnable" Catholicism Modern Worldview

"1- In his new book, “The Image of the Unseen God: Catholicity, Science, and Our Evolving Understanding of God,” Holy Cross Father Thomas Hosinski of the University of Portland argues for a refreshed metaphysics in Christianity, one that takes modern science into account.

2- Father Donoghue imagines astronauts circling the earth viewing a beautiful yet fragile planet without discernible borders. “I suggest that this is closer to God’s way of thinking. If this is so, then how do we all get along in this world and make the best use of the limited resources on this finite planet?”

Adjusting to extraterrestrials
What will happen when we discover that we are not alone? Will science and faith collide or merge?”
Those are questions from Maureen Nadin, a Canadian Catholic blogger who focuses on faith and science. She believes humans will encounter beings elsewhere in the universe during her lifespan. She may have a point.

4- Brother Louis at Mount Angel believes that in the years ahead, faith and science will develop a relationship beneficial to both. Science may even join philosophy as a “handmaid” of theology, leading to a new golden age of faith." CatholicSentinel
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,... 2 Peter 2:1
1- "metaphysics in Christianity"?....there it is folks....
2- One World United without Borders...we know why they want that...
3- E.T.s?...we are not alone, but the other beings are NOT aliens flying around in spaceships trying to contact us....they are watching us mired in pain, suffering & death as a result of sin. Why would they come here?
4- A "new golden age of faith" by joining with infidel "scientists"?