Sunday, December 17, 2017

Creation Moment 12/17/2017 - C14 Dating Problems

For this they willingly are ignorant of,....2 Peter 3:5
"During our 25 years of excavations in Israel we have never used C14 dating because it is too inconclusive. Even though there have been some noteworthy improvements in the radio isotope methods, the same problems still persist. And this goes for all radio isotopes used in dating.

C14 is "Garbage in garbage out . . . One of the biggest issues . . . is contamination . . . it soaks up anything in the ground. . . . even very small amounts of modern contamination can be fatal for old samples."
"What scientists are really holding out for is tree ring data that can calibrate absolute radiocarbon dates back to 60,000 years. . . .this hinges, of course, on whether they can find sufficiently old trees and samples that represent a continuum of ages throughout the past." However, they know, and so do we that they will never find successive tree rings with which to date 60,000. or 30,000, or even 10,000 year ago.
"At the moment we have a floating chronology . . . It is not connected. That is, the researchers have calibrated back ca. 5000 years, but tree rings can take them no further."
What he is saying is that they can only go back 5000 years using hard tree ring evidence, but they are hoping for and wanting to be able to go back 60,000 years, but there is no way to calibrate the time in between.
Isn't it interesting that 5000 years ago was roughly the time Noah and his family were saved by the Ark!
Three problems which C14 faces are true for all isotopic methods. They are:
  1. We cannot know what the ratio of daughter element to parent element was in the formation of the specimen.
  2. We cannot know whether there has been leaching in or out of the elements.
  3. We cannot know whether the decay rates have changed through time, perhaps due to what one archaeologist suggested while trying to determine some dates from ruins in Mesopotamia.
M. E. L. Mallowan said,
. . . at this end of the third millennium (BC) there was some physical disturbance in the solar magnetic field, which may have affected the level of the carbon-14 activity in the carbon exchange reservoir. . . . Published dates are more than 500 years too low.(Mallowan, fasc. 62, Cambridge Ancient History, p. 8)." DavidP.Livingston