Sunday, December 10, 2017

Patriarchs & Prophets: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 72

The Rebellion of Absalom


David had neglected the duty of punishing the crime of Amnon, and because of the unfaithfulness of
the king and father and the impenitence of the son, the Lord permitted events to take their natural course, and did not restrain Absalom.
When parents or rulers neglect the duty of punishing iniquity, God Himself will take the case in hand. His restraining power will be in a measure removed from the agencies of evil, so that a train of circumstances will arise which will punish sin with sin.
 He caused David to pass under the rod, but He did not destroy him; the furnace is to purify, but not to consume. The Lord says, If they break My statutes, and keep not My commandments; then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless My loving-kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer My faithfulness to fail.
Psalm 89:31-33