Thursday, November 16, 2017

Patriarchs & Prophets: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 48

The Division of Canaan


If the one tried for murder were proved guilty, no atonement or ransom could rescue him.
Ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty of death: but he shall
be surely put to death. Thou shalt take him from Mine altar, that he may die, was the command of God; the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it. Numbers 35:31, 33; Exodus 21:14. The safety and purity of the nation demanded that the sin of murder be severely punished. Human life, which God alone could give, must be sacredly guarded.
At the death of the high priest, however, all who had sought shelter in the cities of refuge were at liberty to return to their possessions.
Six of the cities assigned to the Levites--three on each side the Jordan--were appointed as cities of refuge, to which the manslayer might flee for safety.
The cities of refuge appointed for God's ancient people were a symbol of the refuge provided in Christ. The same merciful Savior who appointed those temporal cities of refuge has by the shedding of His own blood provided for the transgressors of God's law a sure retreat, into which they may flee for safety from the second death.