Thursday, November 16, 2017

IN the NEWS - Brown preaches Green

 We've been WARNING - the Mark of the Beast (counterfeit Sabbath) will likely be tinted Green...

"California Gov. Jerry Brown told a recent Vatican climate conference that brainwashing is needed to get people to accept the idea of man-made climate change.
At the highest circles, people still don’t get it,” Brown said. “It’s not just a light rinse” that’s required. “We need a total, I might say, ‘brainwashing.’

“We need to wash our brains out and see a very different kind of world.”
Brown talked for more than 40 minutes at the Vatican climate conference on November 4, The Sacramento Bee reported. The Vatican event was an early stop for the governor on a two-week climate talks tour across Europe.
The liberal Democrat also spoke negatively of President Donald Trump in terms of Trump being on board with the climate change agenda.
Brown’s appearance was part of the Vatican-conducted “Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health” conference.
The climate event was hosted November 2-4 by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and featured a collection of proponents of various troubling ideologies, such as one world government, population control, and abortion." Lifesite