Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Sodom when Probation Closed

But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them,
and shut to the door.
Genesis 19:10

In Sodom, when the men demanded to "know" the angels (disguised as men), the angels pulled Lot back in and closed the door. When the door closed, their probation closed.

The perversity & LGBT of Sodom is repeated in the last days....Those days are here, as gay marriage sweeps the planet, transgenderism now promoted & celebrated in the public arena & some places (such as Ontario) will take your children if you won't let your son go transgender. Or (Oregon) will pay for your child's transgender operation against parental wishes. Or (California) will give you a fine or jail time for using the wrong gender term with a transgender. Or (San Antonio) will give you a ticket if you say something about gay marriage that someone doesn't like. Or (Canada) where a judge legalized bestiality. Or (Italy) where a judge legalized public self abuse (except in front of minors).
Everywhere in Hollywood they are pushing gay (and now transgender) characters. Then there are all the local school districts in western culture now pushing LGBT "education" as young as kindergarten....and of course, even churches are now embracing openly practicing LGBT into their ranks and then pat themselves on the back under a guise of fake love....
...All this has been documented on this blog over the last few years....