Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Creation Moment 10/4/2017 - National Mall showdown

And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtaroth.
Judges 2:13

"The difference between creationist and evolutionist projects on the National Mall could hardly be more stark.

Christians, who affirm God as Creator and Jesus as Lord, will be gathering this week in Washington DC for 24-hour prayer for the nation: bowing humbly in prayer to God for healing of our divisions, for repentance and for revival in the spirit of II Chronicles 14:7. Called ‘Awaken the Dawn’ 2017 from Psalm 57:8-9 and Psalm 108:2-3, the event will feature a tent for every state in the union where people can gather for prayer, worship, and national confession at all hours of the day and night. Organizers at the EventBrite page hope that this gathering will be the start of a new Jesus movement and national revival.
We are calling the nation to the National Mall in Washington DC on October 6-9, 2017. We will gather from all backgrounds, not around speakers, but around the presence of God and the worth of Jesus. We will gather around the invisible God knowing that he will respond.
Our Evolution?
A very different event is planned on the Mall afterward. This one features the installation of a 45-foot statue of a nude woman. The organizers are raising $90,000 to transport and erect the statue, where it will stand near the Washington Monument, lit up at night in lavender lights
for four months. Ostensibly, the sculptor wanted to make a statement about the abused status of women, showing how a woman feeling completely safe would look. Its placement facing the White House, though, gives it a not-so-subtle political message.
The statue was first installed at the Burning Man Festival in the Nevada desert, an annual orgy of radical self-expression where people wear outlandish costumes (or nothing at all), in unrestrained activities often with pagan overtones. What’s most telling about the occasion, though, is not just the nudity of the art (since nude statues are not that uncommon in city parks and art galleries, even around Washington). Some who honor the Bible might, after all, celebrate the intelligent design of God’s creation of the human form in a manner reminiscent of Eden. The statue shows the woman just standing – nothing more. In those respects they might tolerate the event in spite of its in-your-face, larger-than-life dominance of this national public space.
No, what is most telling about the project is the name the artist gave to it: R-EVOLUTION. This can be read as either ‘Revolution’ orOur Evolution’ in contrast to the “re-” words in the Christian event (repentance, revival, renewal).  The Catharsis on the Mall project page makes it very clear that the organizers are cultural radicals who want a revolution for evolution:
In bringing R-Evolution to the National Mall, Catharsis organizers hope to inspire dialogue among women, and people, of all bodies, ages, races, religions, genders, abilities, and sexual orientations about the role of art and community in nurturing the heart and healing, and in turn creating lasting social change.
It’s difficult to see, though, how this artistic statement will help women by saying that they don’t
As it was in the days of Elijah, so it is now. We have God-fearing people on one side, and Baal worshipers on the other. God-fearing people humble themselves in obedience to their Creator, but Baal-worshipers follow after their own lusts. Today, Baal is known by the name Darwin."