Saturday, October 28, 2017

SDA News - 100 Year Old SDA Forgives

"Relatives of a 100-year-old victim of a heartless Brooklyn home invasion that left her husband of 30 years dead said she has already forgiven the killers.
Gutsy Ethlin Thompson returned to her Bedford-Stuyvesant brownstone Thursday night after a brief
stay at Kings County Hospital — a day after four suspects targeted her and her 91-year-old husband Waldiman Thompson in a meticulously-planned home invasion.
Despite her paralyzing grief and the trauma of being bound and robbed, Thompson leaned on her Christian faith and the support of family and friends.
She said that she forgives the people that did this,” said Thompson’s great niece,
Thompson, who managed to free herself after being tied up by the thieves, was supposed to be released from the hospital sooner. But a source said her blood pressure spiked and the hospital kept her longer for observation.
Doctors weren’t taking any chances.
Even as she returned home to pack some belongings for a stay at a friend’s home, an ambulance remained on standby across the street.
The devout Seventh-day Adventist, who was born in Costa Rica and lived in Jamaica before immigrating to the U.S., was escorted from the back of an unmarked police car to her home. She was accompanied by about a dozen detectives, community affairs cops and relatives."
And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us.
Luke 11:4