Saturday, October 28, 2017

SDA Issues - Our "widows mites" wasted by NAD

And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
 And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
Matthew 12:42,43
NAD seems to have forgot what our "widows mites" are for....

"The Year-End Meetings of the North American Division (NAD) started with the grand opening

ceremony for the much anticipated NAD headquarters, an event filled with much energy and laughter.

The Allegheny East Pathfinders Drum Corps opened the proceedings with a rousing performance. Then John Wobensmith, the Secretary of State of Maryland, presented NAD President Dan Jackson with a Maryland State flag that had flown over the State capitol building in Annapolis.

The NAD paid $19.5 million for it and spent an additional $11 million in renovations. The total cost was paid for with reserve funds. Each division is required under GC policy to keep an amount equal to 100% of its yearly operating budget in reserve. It was this money the NAD dipped into to pay for the building, bringing its reserves down to 93% of its operating budget; an amount officials say they are confident they will bring back up to 100% soon." S

Uhmmmm.....this money could have been spent on spreading the Gospel....MILLIONS wasted when NAD was already in a building....truth be told, Mr. Jackson's clique didn't like working in the GC building (where they were headquartered) with Ted Wilson's clique....all this so Mr. Jackson can continue to forment rebellion on women's ordination and other things.

They spent MONEY on this?
What does it do for Adventism or it's Message?
They're proud of this?
Would Paul have wasted CHURCH MONEY on this?
This looks like something you would see among the halls & walls of secular academics
 This was the headline from over at the anti-Adventist, Adventist Today website-- "New North American Headquarters for Adventist Denomination Opened" ... should have been better phrased "New North American Headquarters for Adventist Women's Ordination Opened"