Tuesday, October 17, 2017

IN the NEWS - WP "Religion" Journalist

"Here’s another reason why you shouldn’t put too much stock in the mainstream media when it comes to honest reporting – the Washington Post’s elite religion writer has just revealed that she has been a life-long enthusiast of the occult and thinks all religions are “magic.”

...Sally Quinn, whose late husband Bill Bradlee was the former executive editor of the Washington Post, and who has been handling religion coverage for the publication for years. In her new memoir, she admits to practicing the dark arts, such as voodoo and the Ouija board, has consulted psychics
and even mediums to contact her deceased husband.

Even though she presented herself as an agnostic to Post readers, her memoir reveals that she has been a believer in the occult and black magic since her youth and has regularly engaged in these practices.

In fact, she is so certain of her own dark powers, that she believes she possesses the power to murder people. This is based on the admission in her memoir that she has put a hex on three people who died.
As Breitbart’s John Nolte reports, the three unfortunate souls involved “ . . . [A] young woman who committed suicide after flirting with Quinn’s boyfriend; a magazine editor who published an unflattering profile of her, who decades later died of cancer; a psychic who died of a cerebral hemorrhage before the end of the year after telling Quinn something she did not want to hear.”

According to a glowing interview and book review published by the Washingtonian, she swore off the dark arts when her third curse resulted in a death. She suddenly panicked, believing that the curses she had placed on people were responsible for her son’s illness so she vowed never to dabble in the dark arts again.

As she recently told USA Today, she had an epiphany that “all of the things that I had believed in, all of the magic that I had believed in, was just as legitimate as organized religion, of Islam or of Judaism or of Catholicism, or of Protestantism. And it was just that it wasn’t organized in that way and that therefore didn’t have that respect. So I began to see that all religion was magic, and it is.”

Why on earth would a major news publication allow someone so seriously confused about the spiritual life to be the author of a column on faith? And then to do so without properly informing readers of her true background!

Without being made to reveal her true beliefs, Quinn was permitted to publish blistering critiques of Christians such as one on Sarah Palin in which she ridiculed the former Alaska governor for her decision to put her life in the hands of her Creator. She also wrote articles such as Mitt Romney’s God problem...."

 No wonder, for even Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. (2Cor 11:14)"