Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Creation Moment 10/17/2017 - What Genesis Shows You

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. Romans 1:16
"Genesis is the basis upon which the rest of Scripture rests. If the words in Genesis 1 are not to be taken at face value, then the rest of Scripture is subject to the whims of human foibles. If the reality of the worldwide judgment of the Flood recorded in Genesis 6–8 is not accurate, then there is absolutely no basis for understanding the text of biblical history.
If God lied to us in the words of Genesis, then how can we trust Him to keep any other promise?
  • The fiat creation recorded in Genesis is the best description of the power of God to save you.
  • The sentence God passed on Adam and Eve is the best description of the effect of sin on you.
  • The provision of clothing by God for Adam and Eve is the best description of the authority of God to forgive you.
  • The global Flood recorded in Genesis is the best description of the power of God to judge you.
  • The covenant of God to Noah is the best description of the sustaining power of God.
Genesis 1–11 provides the foundation for the rest of Scripture. Without those insights to the
beginnings of history, we would be unable to accurately understand much of the “what” and most of the “why” of our world. The efforts of man to exclude God from history have produced the chaos of evolutionary philosophy and the horrific cultural results that plague our world today. The only solution to this and to those who are lost is the creation salvation that comes from God." ICR