Friday, September 15, 2017

Papal Notes - Just How Green is Francis?

"The Pope of Dialogue has thus far slammed the bronze doors on any dialogue on the issue of global
warming. (Many Catholics argue that everything else is up for dialogue with this Pope, though).

Despite his incessant rantings about the need to dialogue, climate change is off limits. In the words of his global warming maestro, Bishop Sanchez Sorondo, climate change is elevated to magisterium, deserving of an apostolic exhortation and papal endorsement of the globalists’ precious Paris Climate Treaty. Francis joined the globalist cop-out chorus of the “science is settled.” His global warming architect, Bishop Sorondo scolds the global warming doubters “saying that we need to rely on coal and oil is like saying that the earth is not round. It is an absurdity dictated by the need to make money.” Sorondo also repeats the lame classic globalist slam that the deniers are funded by the oil industry.

....there is simply no dialogue with this Vatican on any issue, not
endorsed by the United Nations’ globalists and its bureaucrats." Remnant
They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself,..
Romans 1:25 NLT