Friday, September 15, 2017

Health Note - Poor Health

I wish above all things that thou in health
3 John 1:2

"Poor diet is a factor in one in five deaths around the world, according to the most comprehensive study ever carried out on the subject.
Millions of people are eating the wrong sorts of food for good health. Eating a diet that is low in whole grains, fruit, nuts and seeds and fish oils and high in salt raises the risk of an early death,
according to the huge and ongoing study Global Burden of Disease.
It finds that people are living longer. Life expectancy in 2016 worldwide was 75.3 years for women and 69.8 for men. Japan has the highest life expectancy at 84 years and the Central African Republic has the lowest at just over 50.
The problem is often seen as the spread of western diets, taking over from traditional foods in the developing world. But it is not that simple, says Murray.Take fruit. It has lots of health benefits but only very wealthy people eat a lot of fruit, with some exceptions.”
Prof John Newton said the studies show how quickly diet and obesity-related disease is spreading around the world.

People are living longer but spending more years in ill health. Obesity is one of the major reasons."