Friday, September 1, 2017

IN the NEWS - Week of Floods

Central Asia....
"Floods stemming from monsoon rains in South Asia have reportedly killed over 1,200
people across India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, forcing million out of their homes and leading to building collapses in cities.
The Guardian reported on Thursday that as many as 40 million people have been affected by the floods, which are the deadliest experienced in the region in years.
Over 18,000 schools have been destroyed or damaged, Save the Children added, leaving 1.8 million children without classes.
"We haven't seen flooding on this scale in years and it's putting the long-term education of an enormous number of children at great risk. From our experience, the importance of education is often under-valued in humanitarian crises and we simply cannot let this happen again. We cannot go backwards," said Rafay Hussain, Save the Children's general manager in Bihar state." CP
"Hurricane Harvey, the remnants of which continue to wreak havoc in Texas and made landfall in Louisiana on Wednesday, is expected to be the costliest natural disaster in US history, a veteran
weather expert said Wednesday.
This will be the worst natural disaster in American history. The economy’s impact, by the time its total destruction is completed, will approach $160 billion, which is similar to the combined effect of Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy,” said Joel Myers, president of forecasting company AccuWeather.
Myers said the staggering figure represents 0.08 percent of the gross national product, or GDP, which is $19 trillion." NYPost
A Little Taste of the Future?
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:
Luke 21:26