Friday, September 1, 2017

Creation Moment 9/1/2017 - Fossil Record

For this they willingly are ignorant of, ... 2 Peter 3:5

"How is the fossil record of benefit to creationists?

In order for evolutionary scientists to demonstrate that simple life forms have changed into more complex life forms over time, they must demonstrate it historically by producing examples of such changes, often referred to as “transitional” forms.

If indeed the changes occurred slowly over “billions” of years through mutational accidents, then there ought to be many, many transitional remains available for scientists to uncover and observe in the fossil record.

But what do we really see in the fossil record?
That is, down at the deepest level of the water-deposited rock layers (supposedly the most ancient deposits), there should be very “simple” life forms like algae and other single-cell organisms.
Further up in the layers (and supposedly nearer to our time), there should be more complex marine invertebrate creatures, with plenty of evidence of the transitional forms that changed from one-cell life to increasingly complex ocean life.
Those creatures should have “evolved into fish (and they should be found “higher” up in the water-deposited rock layers), and fish into amphibians, and amphibians into reptiles, etc.
That’s what the evolutionary theory predicted would be found in the fossil record of our ancient past.

  • Ninety-five percent of all fossils are marine invertebrates.
  • These highly complex creatures (trilobites, starfish, coral, sponges, jellyfish, clams, ammonites, etc.) are found on the tops of mountains, in the middle of deserts, on all land masses on the earth—in every layer of the various “eras” of the proposed evolutionary time.

    The so-called geologic column is full of these marine invertebrates. These fossils are so abundant that the evolutionists themselves have named the era the “Cambrian Explosion.”

    The organisms all appear fully formed, with absolutely no hint that they evolved from anything else.

    This layer of “first life” seems to “explode” in the fossil record, with no incontrovertible observable history prior to their existence.

    That’s a real problem for an evolutionary scientist. But it’s exactly what would be expected by one who believes the information found in the Bible.

    • Of the remaining five percent of all fossils, 95 percent are plant fossils, typically part of coal beds and seams found everywhere on earth, including the well-known mountain ranges. These coal beds are even found in Antarctica.
  • Ninety-five percent of what is left is comprised mostly of insect fossils (about .02 percent of the whole).
  • And only about .01 percent of all fossils are the so-called “higher order” fossils.
  • This provides very little evidence to work with, and many of these remains are merely pieces of fossilized bone—or are so jumbled together that it is almost impossible to tell which bone goes to which creature.

    The animals that do exist as complete fossils (mostly marine creatures) are fully formed. The rare larger animals like the dinosaurs and extinct mammals are, in most cases, fragmented or crushed and broken so much that it is very difficult to tell what they really looked like.
    But in no case is there evidence for “transitional” forms—other than the fanciful stories invented by theorists and artists for museums and National Geographic specials." H3