Thursday, July 27, 2017

SDA Issues - Brownie Points with the World

"The Ghana Environmental Protection Agency, in partnership with the Ghana Seventh-day Adventist Church, has launched a tree-planting campaign for schools in the Ashanti Region to commemorate
the World Environment Day. The campaign was organized to inspire children to grow trees to protect the natural environment. The EPA selected 27 schools mainly from Presbyterian and Adventist schools. Samuel Oteng, the Regional Director of the EPA, said the agency took into consideration how effective the schools would be in ensuring that the seedlings were looked after to grow well. Oteng expected that the chosen schools would plant a total of 2,200 tree seedlings. Students of the Gyinyase SDA Primary and Junior Secondary Schools said they were grateful to the EPA and to their schools' administration for educating them on the benefits of tree planting and how urgent it was that trees were planted to protect the environment. From Graphic, “EPA plants trees to commemorate World Environment Day.” CCV

Should they, as a church organization, participate in such things?
First, there is nothing wrong in and of itself in planting trees. BUT-the notion that planting trees to save the planet is nonsense. Their trees are not going to make a difference and the world is NOT
running out of trees.
Second, the modern environmental movement, as documented many times on here, is both political (with Marxist undertones) and spiritually rooted (and many times open) about elements of neo-paganism. Also, it appears that the mark of the beast (counterfeit Sabbath) will likely be tinted green in some way, shape or form. So for a multitude of reasons, should the church, as an entity, participate in such events?
Third, shouldn't the Church be known for gospel evangelizing, like the everlasting gospel, 3 Angel's Messages & Sanctuary Doctrine, etc., rather than as just another so-so denomination trying to score brownie points with the secular world (which in the end will count for NOTHING to them) and it's devotion to Mother Earth rather than Father God whom they are at enmity with?.....Just asking
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7