Thursday, July 27, 2017

Papal Notes - Drought to Tout

WOW...the Papacy is using the Italian drought to tout the infamous Laudato Si (Green Encyclical). Francis doesn't miss a PR chance does he?.....Picture on a global scale someday drought & the Papacy hearkening back to this as an example for the world to follow...helping to bring the world together under the Papacy's Green tent...the drought to tout Laudato see...

"While Rome reels from one of its worst droughts in decades, the Vatican is doing its part to
conserve water by shutting down the city-state’s 100 fountains.
The office governing Vatican City State announced that the drought has “led the Holy See to take measures aimed at saving water” by shutting down fountains in St. Peter’s Square, throughout the Vatican Gardens and in the territory of the state.
The decision is in line with the teachings of Pope Francis, who reminds us in his encyclical ‘Laudato Si” how ‘the habit of wasting and discarding’ has reached ‘unprecedented levels’ while ‘fresh drinking water is an issue of primary importance, since it is indispensable for human life and for supporting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems,'” the office said.
The prolonged drought has forced officials from the Lazio region of Italy to halt pumping water from Lake Bracciano, located roughly 19 miles north of Rome. Lower-than-usual rainfalls in the past two years have steadily depleted the lake, which provides eight per cent of the city’s water supply."
The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
Revelation 17:15