Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Hero of Golgotha

There brake He the arrows of the bow, the shield, and the sword, and the battle.
Psalm 76:3
"Behold the hero of Golgotha using His cross as an anvil, and His woes as a hammer, dashing to shivers bundle after bundle of our sins, trampling on every indictment, and destroying every accusation.

Who now accuseth?
Who now condemneth?
Christ hath died, yea rather, hath risen again.

Jesus has emptied the quivers of hell, has quenched every fiery
dart, and broken off the head of every arrow of wrath; the ground is strewn with the splinters and relics of the weapons of hell's warfare, which are only visible to us to remind us of our former danger, and of our great deliverance."
Charles Spurgeon