Sunday, June 18, 2017

IN the NEWS - "Mother Mary" of Islam now?

.....For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing,...
Ecclesiastes 9:5
Q: What role could Mariology play in the mark of the beast? hmmm...

"Several Christian leaders have praised a recent move in the United Arab Emirates to rename a top Islamic mosque as "Mary, Mother of Jesus," which authorities have said was done to foster religious
The Rev. Bishoy Fakhri, pastor of the Cathedral Church in Abu Dhabi, told Emirates News Agency on Wendesday that "the UAE sets a real example of tolerance, which transcends ideas and slogans to become a practical reality and reaching the stage of social harmony."
The Rev. Ibrahim Farouk, patron of the Pope Tawadros Christian Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt in Abu Dhabi, added that the UAE is strengthening the field of religious tolerance, brotherhood and peace.
"Using the name of 'Mother Mary' on this mosque is a gesture of love and peace that we hope will be followed around the world," Farouk said.
The change was apparently made to "consolidate bonds of humanity between followers of different religions."
The Rev. Canon Andrew Thompson of St Andrew's Church, an Anglican parish near the newly-
renamed mosque, said Christians are "delighted that we are celebrating something that we have in common between both our faiths."
"Mary, as the mother of Jesus, is of course a holy, special figure in our communities. She is a woman who symbolizes obedience to God. We look forward to growing in deeper understanding with our neighbors, and we celebrate with them the new name of the mosque."
The Evangelical Community Church in Abu Dhabi also hailed the "generous gesture of religions tolerance."
Senior pastor Jeramie Rinne said that the Muslim-majority country "continues to set the pace in this region for peaceful coexistence and cooperation. We are very encouraged and feel blessed to be a part of this nation." CP