Sunday, May 14, 2017

James White Sabbath Prayer

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God:

Exodus 20:10
"With all the original reasons for the institution,
the accumulated necessities of six thousand years of
sin, now call upon us to throw all possible safeguards around this sacred institution. If ever a memorial of the great God and a golden link to bind man to Heaven, was needed, it is needed now. And the necessity of this institution will even yet increase through the few remaining days of peril. Can we dispense with it?
Never. More and more sacredly should we cherish it,
while with earnest hearts we breathe the prayer,
Let earth, O Lord, again be thine,
As ere with vengeance cursed;
And let the holy Sabbath shine
As glorious as at first.”"
James White