Monday, May 15, 2017

Creation Moment 5/16/2017 - Cassini Grand Finale

"There’s a gap between the D ring and the planet that is empty enough to allow the spacecraft to pass
through, taking incredible pictures and data.

 Cassini is in the midst of its exciting “Grand Finale”— a series of daring maneuvers between the rings and Saturn. Evidence continues to support the youth of the rings. A new paper in Icarus, co-authored by veteran ringmaster Jeff Cuzzi, shows that the rings cannot be nearly as old as Saturn:

We find that the overall pollution exposure time for the A and B rings and the Cassini Division ranges from ∼30–150 Myr, which is in line with the ∼15–90 Myr we previously derived for most regions in the C ring. These exposure times assume an initially nearly pure-ice ring that has been continuously contaminated by in-falling micrometeoroids since its formation, using the currently accepted value of the micrometeoroid flux (Grün et al., 1985; Cuzzi and Estrada, 1998; Kempf et al., 2013; Altobelli et al., 2015). Our results here, taken together with our previous findings for the C ring, further support the idea that Saturn’s rings may be ≲150 Myr old suggesting an origin scenario in which the rings are derived from the relatively recent breakup of an icy moon.

150 million years sounds old, but that’s only 3% of the consensus age for Saturn. Planetary scientists had long thought the rings were as old as Saturn till evidence from spacecraft showed otherwise.
In science, it is generally distasteful to posit ad hoc scenarios to support a theory. Getting a moon of just the right size to come toward Saturn at just the right speed to break up and form such a complex pattern of rings at just the right time so that we can observe them today sounds like special pleading.
When I was at JPL, I heard Jeff Cuzzi talk very frankly and honestly about Saturn’s rings being young. Another veteran ringmaster, Larry Esposito, openly told a critic of one of my ICR articles about the youth of Saturn’s rings why he wanted to keep them old through a “recycling” mechanism. “It is true that my major impetus for my recycling proposal is philosophical: I am not comfortable with the low probability of recent ring creation.”  CEH whom also he made the worlds; Hebrews 1:2