Friday, April 7, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: "YOU-ology" Rampant

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seems to be "YOU-ology" rampant these days on the Streets of Babylon....
"Nice, huh? Just the perfect message to appeal to the post-modern, feelings first, experience seeking, “who are you to judge” mindset.   It’s the ideal sort of seeker-friendly message that might bring in pagan crowds, and just in time for Easter, too.  Surely they’ll think, “Wow! A church that doesn’t focus on ‘theology’ but is interested in ministry first! And you know what ‘ministry’ means? It means it’s all about me!   It should really be called “Minister-ME!   And, just like Saddleback says, it’s what Jesus did! Yaaay!
Saddleback received duly-deserved social media scorn from many and subsequently deleted the tweet. But notice something. While they deleted the tweet, they didn’t comment on it. No apology was proffered. No explanation of “that’s not really what we meant.” No confession that it was inaccurate, inappropriate, and posted in error. No “we’re counseling the person who erroneously posted on our behalf.” In effect, Saddleback offered no visible expression of repentance for proclaiming an arguably blasphemous view of Jesus.   But, that’s Saddleback, and that’s quite accurately the “other” Jesus of Saddleback. He’s one completely foreign to the pages of God’s Holy Word yet one who perfectly fits the “YOU-ology” touted by Warren.” Pulpit&Pen