Saturday, April 8, 2017

Creation Moment 4/9/2017 - Darwin’s schnotz

 I will put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy lips,
and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest.
2 Kings 19:28
"Charles Darwin was not fond of his large nose. He chided his
friend Asa Gray, who still believed in theistic evolution, “Will you honestly tell me that the shape of my nose was ordained and guided by an intelligent cause?”.
In that tradition, disciple Sara G. Miller writes for Live Science, “What Your Nose Knows About Human Evolution.” She even draws climate change into her tale. “They can be bulbous, pert or pointy, but why do noses look so different from one another?” she writes, gearing up for just-so story mode. “It could have something to do with how humans evolved to live in certain climates, ....” Strangely, she calls “genetic drift” a “mechanism of evolution.” But then again, “for the evolution of some human traits, it’s likely that another mechanism, natural selection, also played a role.” Both ‘mechanisms’ are manifestations of the Stuff Happens Law, the veritable anti-mechanism." CEH