Monday, March 27, 2017

SDA Issues - Orberg to be the SDA Oprah?

Response to the NONSENSE of Oberg follows the below story....

"In a watershed sermon on gender and sexuality, La Sierra University Church Senior Pastor Chris
Oberg explored reproductive discontinuity and gender dysphoria with her husband Kerby Oberg, a scientist and professor at Loma Linda University. The sermon came during a series titled "The Skin We're In" in which the La Sierra Church pastoral staff wove conversations with congregants and community members into their sermons.

Chris Oberg delivered her sermon "Make It Pink! Make It Blue!" on Saturday, March 11. The sermon pushed into territory the Seventh-day Adventist Church has avoided, certainly from the pulpit.

Reading from Genesis 1:27—“God created humankind in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them”—Oberg said the story is easy in one sense. “There is male, there is female . . . get on with your life.” But she hastened to say, “It is simple until it’s not.” As recently as five years ago, conversations about gender could be expected to be about difference between men and women and nurturing and caring for one another. But referring to the National Geographic cover on gender, she noted how the conversation on gender has shifted.

The title of her sermon, “Make It Pink! Make It Blue!” derived from a scene in the Disney film Sleeping Beauty in which two fairy godmothers were fighting over the color of Princess Aurora’s ball gown. One wanted to make it pink, the other blue. Chris and Kerby’s daughters watched that scene of the film over and over, Chris said.

Kerby provided a precis on reproductive development and how chromosomes determine sex. Males and females begin the same, he said, with “undifferentiated or uncommitted” gonads. Approximately 25 genes are involved in transforming undifferentiated gonads into either testes or ovaries (at about
the 7th week of an embryo’s gestation), he noted. Local hormones are responsible for the formation of the internal reproductive “plumbing,” and systemic hormones are responsible for external features—appearance and so forth. Those systemic or “global” hormones also imprint “femaleness” or “maleness” on the brain. Those hormones are present at their highest level at about the 17th week of gestation. All this, Chris said, is if things proceed “according to the script.”

For the church, Kerby said he would hope to see further exploration, further dialogue and listening to the pain that people have.
Could you imagine if this were Amanda or Alisa (the Obergs’ adult daughters)?” Chris asked.
Yes,” Kerby said, as both teared up.
Me too,” Chris said.
It’s a lot of people,” Chris said.
It is,” Kerby replied.
Chris thanked her husband for sharing. As he left the platform, Chris said to the audience, “This is proof that faith and science can live together.” CVV

1) A female pastor at La Sierra?....what does that say out of the starting gate? (yes-I went there)
2) A secular magazine, that most people don't read, is what is used for her point of reference in all this rather than Scripture? (let it be remembered, National Geographic also did a cover promoting a 9 year old transgender child. Clearly National Geographic has an agenda of pushing the secular notion that results in gender confusion)
3) They watched Sleeping Beauty, over & over again? And this is where they get their cues relating to this subject? Not from Scripture? Sleeping Beauty is what they draw on? 2 "fairy godmothers"?....'nuff said
4) They pull the stunt of tearing up to tug at emotions? They know what they are doing... don't think for a second, these 2 highly educated ADULTS don't know what they are doing while on stage. They are hoping emotions mean more to you than Scripture.
5) This Line Says It All--"proof that faith and science can live together" if there is conflict between faith & that let's you peer into her mindset....There is NO conflict between faith & science, so where does that cliché form of thinking come from? It comes from those who believe Darwinian macro-evolution to be true so THEY SEE conflict through their prism. So the fact she said that line in the end about faith & science should tell you something about her worldview.
--BOTTOM LINE--- On the heels of the McLarty assault on the Word of God over the LGBT issue, we now have the Oberg shot over the bow of the Church.
McLARTY--Tried the pseudo-theistic approach by twisting Scriptures in order to reject Scriptures
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 2 Timothy 4:3
Oberg-- Tried the pointy headed intellectual approach ending with a morning TV talk show style ending..(maybe she wants to be the Oprah of Adventism and get a show of her own?...just a thought)
Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Ephesians 6:11