Monday, March 13, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: 1,000 Endorse the SHACK

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

Apparently "1,000 so-called Faith Leaders" on the Streets of Babylon have endorsed the Babylonian movie the Shack....

I don’t need to punish people for sin. Sin is its own punishment, devouring you from the inside. It’s not my purpose to punish it; it’s my joy to cure it.”  “Papa” (aka, “God The Father”) as written in The Shack

This article is not intended to serve up a polemical argument against The Shack.  That it is a work
portraying multiple heresies has been well-exposed in multiple reviews.  Just Google “The Shack Heresies” for gobs of pages that address the many, many problems with both the novel and the subsequent fictitious flick.

The Shack, in any media format, is not Christian.  The single quote from it (above) should attest to a fundamental doctrinal flaw which immediately positions itself against Scripture, against historic mainstream Christian orthodoxy, and against what even the increasingly doctrinally-lax modern evangelical church claims adherence to.  Most glaringly, it positions itself against the very Gospel of Jesus Christ. Beware.

According, though, to the promotional website for all things “The Shack,” one thousand “faith leaders have penned endorsements for this faux faith flick.  That site,, includes the following preface to its listing of endorsements garnered from attendees at the movie’s prescreening in some two dozen cities across America.  This preface, for the discerning, abide-in-my-Word (John 8:31) believer, should itself be a trigger alert that the flick is a theological nightmare, unless, of course, your theology is some sort of Christianized, spiritualized, new-age make-up-whatever-you-want-ism." Pulpit&Pen