Thursday, February 16, 2017

SDA Issues - Response by E.G.W.'s pen to Spectrum Magazine

And they will deceive every one his neighbor,
and will not speak the truth:
Jeremiah 9:5

Below is part of an article from Spectrum Magazine (the publication of the mixed multitude) promoting feminism. You can see the twisted worldview in things like stating that feminism has produced "contradictory" theories is "OK".
We will let the pen E.G.W respond to the nonsense following the article. Mrs. White is crystal clear on the topic.

"...Some people took this knowledge to strange extremes, as people always do. This was OK. Feminism taught us that difference was not the end of the world; it was the beginning. Some feminists hate men, and some feminists are men. A thousand varieties of third-wave feminism were born. These theories responded to second-wave feminism’s attempts to avoid the mistakes of the past 2,000 years by teaching us that there is more than one way to be a woman (or a man). Where the second wave was mostly composed of highly educated white women, third-wave feminists work to improve conditions for all people, each according to their needs.
Some of these feminism theroies are contradictory, and that is OK.
The Adventist Church still needs feminism, too. The world church is arguing for unity, but feminism has taught us the dangers of that type of unity. Can the church be truly unified? Or is it enforcing unity at the cost of people? Are members only united at the cost of excluding everyone with a different perspective? Could that be why the church needs feminism?" Spectrum
Now for the response from the pen of Mrs. White....
"Those who feel called to join the movement in
favor of women's rights .... might as well sever all connection with the third angel's message. The spirit which attends the one cannot be in harmony with the other. The scriptures are plain upon the rights of men and women."
Testimonies for the Church vol. 1, p.421 E.G.W.