Thursday, February 16, 2017

IN the NEWS - Some Sanity Finally

....keep thee from every wicked thing.
Deuteronomy 23:9
"On Friday, the Trump administration announced it will not defend the Obama administration's transgender school bathrooms mandate.
The Trump administration is not challenging an injunction preventing boys from accessing girls' intimate facilities and vice versa. The injunction temporarily blocked the Obama order from taking place in schools across the country. U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor granted the injunction in
August after 13 states sued to stop the mandate. 
The Obama administration was challenging the injunction's nationwide application, arguing it should only be limited to the 13 suing states.
The Obama edict threatened schools nationwide with the loss of federal funding if they didn't allow boys who say they are girls and vice versa to share bathrooms, showers, locker rooms, and hotel rooms on overnight school trips
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said the Justice Department has taken a "welcome first step."
"We are hopeful that the Trump administration will formally withdraw the Obama edict so that parents and schools will remain free to protect the privacy and safety of every student," said Perkins.
"The Trump administration is right to stop the legal defense of an indefensible edict that violates the rights of parents and the privacy of schoolchildren nationwide," he said. "The writing was on the wall in this case. The Obama administration went way beyond the limits of its constitutional and statutory authority to rewrite laws legally adopted by Congress. The federal government has no authority to strip parents and local school districts of the right to provide a safe learning environment for children by forcing them to adopt controversial shower and bathroom policies." LifesiteNews