Tuesday, February 21, 2017

IN the NEWS - GREEN Utter Nonsense

Woe unto the foolish prophets,...Ezekiel 13:3

"Climate change may have surprising and wide-ranging effects on mental health, experts say.
That's because climate change is both a root cause of mental health crises and a "threat multiplier," meaning that it makes existing
mental health problems worse, said Dr. Lise Van Susteren, a psychiatrist in private practice and an advisory board member for the Center for Health and the Global Environment at the Harvard...
 researchers have documented a link between extreme climate and weather events and higher levels of aggression, Van Susteren said. A 2013 study published in the journal Science found that increases in temperature and extreme rainfall are associated with increased levels of conflict between individuals, and between groups, she said." LiveScience

LOL....Yeah, when WEATHER is bad, some people don't take kindly to it...but that's not due to man made so-called "climate change".....These people have NO SHAME or Limits in their attempt to sell (scare) the GREEN RELIGION to the public....